Mobile Clinic Mubarak Village

Mubarak Goth is a fishing village in Kemari Town in Karachi, close to Hawksbay which is one of the few beaches in the world where green sea turtles come to lay eggs. The village is 30 km away from city center with a population of more than 10,000 people, and lacks basic facilities. A Mobile Clinic is operated in this area by ChildLife-SINA partnership.

Updates & Stories

Fazal Abbass

Fazal did not cry when he was born. He is now 3 years old but does not talk at all. Parents got all the tests done but nothing has been diagnosed yet. He was bought to the ChildLife Foundation’s ER […]

B/O Samita

6 days old, baby of Samita was bought to the ChildLife Emergency Room with severe respiratory issues and fever from Mangopir, which is approximately 36 km away from the ER. Samita had already given birth to 2 children at home […]
